Egyptian Postures Of Power – Mysticism | Meditations | Movements – SOFTCOVER – 2022


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The Egyptian Postures Of Power is an ancient system of meditation techniques based on the ancient Egyptian statues. Just as Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga; the Egyptian Postures utilize the sacred movements and geometry of the body to enter into harmonic resonance with the universal forces of nature. For thousands of years, postures have been used ritualistically in ceremonies, meditations, wellness and in seeking the keys to enlightenment.

The Egyptian postures come directly from the ancient statues found in Egypt. There are thousands of these stone statues depicting various stances and postures.

Traditionally each posture represented a spiritual knowledge or understanding. This information has been lost over thousands of years of history. Many other religious cultures such as Buddhism and Hinduism also have very similar examples of these postures in their ancient past depicted into their artwork and statues.

What is the intent, meaning and purpose of these postures? How can we rediscover and interpret this seemingly lost information?



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